Alhamdulillah, hari ni bley menarik nafas lega sket sebab da abes mock interview.. yeay !! lupakan everything pasal assignment and thesis yang tak tahu bila akan berakhir tu, fikir pasal balik mengundi.... Mock interview tu maksudnya interview olok2... ianya adalah untuk subject yang aku amik sem ni, iaitu professional issue... Walaupon olok2 je, aiii ketaq jugak laa kepala lutut ngan bibir mulut cheq ni nak berhadapan dengan 3 orang lecturer yg jadi interviewer.... Tapi bagus jugak laa ada mock interview ni sebab nanti kita akan lebih prepare untuk menghadapi job interview yang sebenar.... So, aku ada laa study mengenai top questions yang interviewer akan tanya and soalan2 tu lah yang ditanya mase aku mock interview, aku akan bagi suggested answer lagi ye..hafal laa ye, jangan tak hafal,haha..... Hope dapat membantu you all untuk mendapatkan job yang you all nak... Soalan2 ni aku tengok kat sini
Question 1: Tell us about yourself....
Answer: You all cakap laa nama, asal, educational background... Pastu aku ade tambah, during my study, I have been equipped with clinical practice in diagnosing and managing people with hearing loss.
Question 2: Why should we hire you?
Answer: Soalan ni aku rase cam soalan wajib yang akan ditanya.... So, jawapan die ialah......
I fulfill all the requirements for the job. However, some other applicants do probably also fulfill it. I think that I am a very responsible person and always accomplish all my duties and I am also a very organized person, what is strongly reflected in my work.
Question 3: What is your strength and weakness?
Answer: Jawapan untuk strength tu lebih kurang cam kat atas... Untuk soalan weakness plak, aku jawab "I'm uncomfortable in public speaking. Realizing this was a problem, I decided to join Student Learning Enhancement Unit (SLEU) and I became s student coordinator. From there, I attended many public speaking workshop and my public speaking has improved over time"... Yang penting, you all takleh nak pasrah je cakap weakness, tapi you all kena cakap yang you all do something untuk improve it okey!!
Question 4: What is your goal in 10 years time?
Answer: Soalan ni you all kena berangan sket ye... Ape yang aku jawab time mock interview, I wish I will be promoted and I will continue my study...
Question 5: Do you have any questions?
Answer: kat sini aku list beberapa soalan yang appropriate untuk ditanya.... Ni from lecture note aku,hehe..
- Does the company have a continuing education program? Is there any education budget for each person?
- Can you tell me about benefits including vacation, sick time, pension plans, health care benefit, and flexible time?
Itu saja sharing untuk kali ni.... Semoga bermanfaat yee... Dapat keje nanti jangan lupa blanja sayeeee,hehe....
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